Dr. Natasha Bollegala
Toronto, ON


Dear Member,

It’s once again time for our Annual Conference and Business Meeting! 

This year’s speakers and topics are designed to bring you the latest advances in the field of gastroenterology with a focus on practical application to your everyday gastroenterology practice. We are excited to have our distinguished faculty on site to not only present, but to engage with you during the conference and during our Gala and Awards Presentation. 

This year we have a fun and spirited Halloween themed gala event planned. Children and companions are encouraged to attend, and we promise it will be a night of delicious food, rousing entertainment, and a welcome opportunity for us to continue to gather and celebrate as a community. 

Thank you again for your time and commitment to our organization. 

As always, thank you to our generous sponsors for their continued support of the OAG and its educational initiatives.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Best regards,


Natasha Bollegala, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Treasurer/Conference Chair