
Saturday, October 19, 2024 - 9:15 am - 9:35 am

Acute Liver Failure

 Learning objectives:

  • Recognize, assess and manage acute liver failure
  • Be able to apply evidence based therapies in acute liver failure
  • Be able to distinguish acute and acute on chronic liver failure
  • Review recent guideline recommendations on management of liver failure.
Dr. Joanna Dionne, MD, MSc., PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine/ Deparmtnet of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact
Gastroenterologist/Intensivist, Hamilton Health Sciences
Program Director, Clinician Investigator Program

Dr. Joanna Dionne, MD, MSc., PhD is an Assistant Professor, Divisions of Critical Care Medicine and Gastroenterology, in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact at McMaster University. She is a clinician-scientist at the Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Center in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and associate member of the Farncombe Institute. Dr. Dionne obtained a Bachelor of Nursing Degree from the University of New Brunswick. She obtained her Medical Degree from the DeGroote School of Medicine and holds a MSc and PhD in Health Research Methodology (HRM), and was named a DeGroote Scholar during her tenure as a PhD Candidate. She completed her postgraduate training in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterolog and Critical Care at McMaster University. Dr. Dionne is a graduate of the Clinician Investigator Program. Dr. Dionne has led international studies at the praxis of gastroenterology and critical care. She has served as a guideline methodologist for Canadian Blood Services (CBS), European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM). Dr. Dionne was the lead methodologist on the guideline  “Management of Acute and Acute on Chronic Liver Failure Guidelines” (part 1 and 2) for SCCM as well as chair of methodology for the guideline “ Evaluating of the 6-month abstinence rule prior to liver transplant fpr alcohol associated liver disease: A Canadian Practice Guideline” for CBS. Dr. Dionne was awarded the Triangle Early Career Researcher Award in 2023 and now serves as the Program Director for the Clinician Investigator Program at McMaster University.


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